What is it?

Songs are a very important resource to use in the EFL teaching. With them, children can learn and have fun at the same time.

This blog will help you finding didactic songs for your lessons.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Voy a aprender inglés

The website voyaprenderingles.com is a Spanish page full of resources for teaching EFL.

Focusing on the blog's main topic, we can fin three types of songs:

- Nursery Songs: Also sorted  into different groups: Rutines, Alphabet, Numbers, Halloween, Seasons, Peace Day... Each group has some songs that have the lyrics and a youtube video.

- Lyrics of famous songs: Usually modern pop songs. Just gives the option of copying the lyrics, there is no way of downloading the songs.

- Christmas Carols: With the lyrics and a video of each one of the songs.

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